Witaj w Miejskiej Bibliotece Publicznej w Jastrzębiu-Zdroju!
Punkt Ksero czynny:
poniedziałek: godz. 09:00-17:00
wtorek: godz. 09:00-17:00
środa: godz. 09:00-17:00
czwartek: godz. 09:00-17:00
piątek: godz. 08:00-17:00
E-mail: ksero@biblioteka.jastrzebie.pl
Tip:Please refresh the page after the payment is successful
Tip:Please refresh the page after the payment is successful
Tip:Please refresh the page after the payment is successful
Tip:Please refresh the page after the payment is successful
Tip:Please refresh the page after the payment is successful
Tip:Please refresh the page after the payment is successful
Tip:Please refresh the page after the payment is successful
Tip:Please refresh the page after the payment is successful
Tip:Please refresh the page after the payment is successful
Tip:Please refresh the page after the payment is successful
Wpisz swój adres email
44-335 Jastrzębie-Zdrój, ul. Wielkopolska 1a
32 471 76 97 ; 32 471 67 68